Sunday, December 14, 2014

My Three Super Powers

If I had the choice of three super powers I would choose super speed, invincibility l, and the power to shape shift into anything of my choice. So traveling the world is very expensive and could take a long time to save up for. This is where super speed comes in because I could travel the world in minutes and not spend a dime on airline tickets. Invincibility comes in as well because there are lots of deadly diseases on other continents and I would be immune to them. I picked the ability to shape shift into anything of my choice because I could turn into The Incredible Hulk and destroy all my enemies. Starting with the person who makes the kids in The United States eat the crappy food we do. Ultimately l, I would use my shape shifting powers to help the world with big problems such as ending wars. I'm pretty sure that no country wants to clash with a Hulk. I would have invincibility powers because I would not want to die at least the hands of another man. I know that with my powers there will come critics who would want to see my downfall.

Monday, December 8, 2014

"It was the best of times it was the worst of times."

"It was the best of times it was the worst of times." I have enjoyed my high school years because of the memories I have made with my friends, teachers, and classes. One of my favorite classes was during by my freshman year, Health and Wellness/ Personal Fitness. My teacher was Mr. Powers and he filled the students with knowledge on how to properly exercise. I have not enjoyed my high school years because it has changed me into a completely different person. I have learned to be careful to whom I get close with. For the reason that it could interfere with my grades. Another reason I know not to get to close to a new person is because a person can lie straight to your face and not care. I find it crazy how a person can completely change the mind set of another person. How could somebody be so cold?  I also do not like the  rules enforced at Early College High School. I feel that since we go to school on a college campus we should have more freedom. The teachers claim the rules are not as bad as a regular high school's rules. I feel bad for the students at a regular high school if their rules are worse than the rules at the school I attend. As a fifteen year old I should not feel as if I am in the 5th grade.

Albert Einstein For A Day

If I could pick someone to come from the dead and be personal assistant for the the day, I would pick Albert Einstein. I would pick Albert Einstein because he is a very intelligent man and he could help me with my school work. He could also help me study for upcoming tests. If the test is to hard I would let him take over my body and he could do the test for me. He can do this because he is a ghost. In a week I would become the smartest student on the whole campus of LCCC. I would not only use Albert Einstein for my benefit because I would introduce him into the new world. I would show him the advancements in technology such as cellular devices, flat screen televisions, cars, and gaming systems. Einstein and I would would hop on some Call of Duty Advanced Warfare and start slaying people. The last thing I would do with Albert Einstein is take an epic selfie!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Alan Sutton's Mega Extreme Golfing Range

Welcome to Alan Sutton's Mega Extreme Golfing Range. You may think of golf as boring, dull sport well think again! At my golfing range there are many obstacles you must overcome and death is highly possible. One scary obstacle you must over come is the exotic animals. These animal includes the Bengal Tiger and many highly toxic snakes. You must also swim across a pond that is filled with red belly piranhas. Aside from the animals there are lots of explosions and zombies stroll the park. There are two rules to my golfing range. The first rule is the age limit, you must be old enough to kill zombies and run from tigers. The other rule is no bringing weapons to kill the zombies. If there is a horde of zombies coming after you just do a 360 swing with you golf club. Do not forget to swing high because you want to hit the head.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Enchanted Forest

I am in a place that is new to me. This place is very creepy and something seems fishy. I am walking and I see a large object float pass the corner of my eye. I turn to see what it was but it is just gone. What could it have been? I pull a pocket knife out of my book bag and head back to where I came from. I really do not want to meet what was back there. I have been walking for twenty minutes and I am officially lost. I am panicking at this point and I do not know what to do. I pull out my phone but there is no reception. I put my phone in the air but I am stopped. I see the mysterious creature again, but this time I see it clearly. A twenty foot long Great White Shark floats right in front of me. I pinch myself to see if I am dreaming but I do not wake up. I then cut myself with my pocket knife to really wake up but I'm still here. That was a fatal mistake because the shark smells my blood and becomes more hungry. I close my eyes and pray because I know my death is here. I then think to myself I am not dying without a fight. I open my eyes and run for my life.

Friday, October 24, 2014

I Am From

I am from an amazing place. I am from a place where there is freshly cut grass and the smell of hotdogs is in the air. I am from a place where there in constant chants coming from the crowd. I am from a place where the sweetest sound is the crack of the bat against the ball. I am from a place where the dirt is as smooth as a babies bottom. I am from the diamond.

I am from a place where hard work and dedication is needed. I am from a place where there is no off season. I am from a place where you must push your body to its limit.You must sweat and you must work out until your body feels dead. To where your arms feel as if they will fall off. I come from a place where you must be mentally enabled. Mentally enabled to make plays without choking.
I come from a place where I will make the number 6 known like Jackie Robinson's "#42." I am from the diamond.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A new Approach

For the next nine weeks I plan on taking a whole new approach to guide me to success. A change I plan on making is doing more at home studying. I feel that as a 10th grader I should be doing more at home studying. Furthermore, I know this would do some help because my grades are not at my expectations. Another approach I plan on taking for the second quarter is to cut my fun time at school. I have realized that my priorities have been completely been thrown out the window because I have been playing around. The last approach im going to take in for the next 9 weeks is going to sleep earlier on the week days. Throughout the school day I am very tired and I find it hard to pay attention in class. Also being tired and having a boring Biology class is just a disaster.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

A Horse!

If I lived two thousand ago I would choose a horse over twelve chickens and a cow. I would not choose a cow for multiple reasons such as the fact that it could only keep me fed for a little amount of time and it is very lazy. Two thousand years ago I would imagine myself as a farmer and a cow would not help me move from place to place in a good amount of time. I would have to go from to certain places for farming purposes. I would not choose a chicken because they are very little and would not be very helpful in traveling. They are also a handful and they seem to be very stressful. I would choose a horse because a horse could help me get from place to place in a short amount if time. It could take me to places where I can sell goods and earn money to take care of it and my family. Furthermore, a horse is not lazy like a cow and stressful like a chicken.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Your in luck!

Have you ever wanted to eat food out the trash but you didn't because it would be embarrassing? Well I will be the first person to tell you that your in luck. If you want to eat trash take a trip down to LCCC Early College High School. The food items include cold chicken nuggets, plain white rice, and the same apples that have been sitting out for weeks. Just to make it better you can eat this trash while inhaling the delightful smell of the market place. The market place is the food joint of the LCCC Campus. It serves all kinds of good food such as pizza, burgers, chicken tenders, popcorn shrimp, and chicken patties. Let's hold on just a second we're not looking for good food, we're looking for trash! Wait I forgot to tell you about the best food served to us. The mystery meat patty! This mystery meat contains lots of unknown ingredients and corn but the best part of eating trash is you can pay two dollars and fifty cents for it!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

What Makes a Good Friend?

Some things I would never do is go pee is the Amazon River, swim with sharks, go sky diving, and go to Africa for the fear I may be contaminated by the Ebola fever. Africa has been doing pretty good with keeping the Ebola fever contained in Central Africa. Just recently the Ebola fever has spread through Africa and has killed thousands of people. When I was in the 7th grade I did a project on the Ebola fever and I know it is not a very quick death. It is rather slow and involves bleeding from body parts I wont go into details about. I know that there is now a cure for the Ebola fever but I am not sure if I would be cured, considering thousands are still dying in Africa. Now do not get me wrong Africa is a beautiful place but I do not plan on dying from a disease any time soon.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Good Times

A memory I would bottle up took place about 10 years ago. It was hot summer day and everything was casual. I grew up with a family of four people, my brother, sister, my mother, and father. Growing up I never got along with my old sister, Maiya. Well there was a day where we were just relaxing in our pool we laughed, splashed each other and even tried to get my little brother in trouble. I would open this bottle everyday to remind me of the good time I had with my sister. The first time I open the cork my hands would be sweaty and I would be emotional, but happy to see my sister.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

My Number 1 Rule

My number one rule that I would advise everyone to follow is always come to play a sport prepared. Make sure you have all your equipment packed in a sports bag before you leave your house. Also pack drinks and  snacks to eat because it's going to be a long, hot day. I do not like sharing my drink on a 90 degree day. If you do not have drinks at home then bring two dollars to get a Gatorade from a store. Furthermore, when you drink you friend's beverage it will your shorten your playing time. I will leave if I run out of my snacks. Another thing is do not forget your batting gloves or your catching glove. I don't like sharing my gloves because I do not want another person leaving their sweat in it. If your a person who eats other people's snacks or use another person's glove, it will get old and very annoying. Just bring your own stuff.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Thursday, September 4, 2014

I am evangelical of Activision's Call of Duty Black Ops 2. Its a great game with different modes such as campaign where you experience a great story, zombies where you can team up and fight hordes of them, and multiplayer where you can team up and go against other people in multiple modes. These modes include team death match, search and destroy, capture the flag, domination, hard point, demolition, and head quarters. My favorites are search and destroy, capture the flag, and team death match. Search and destroy, in my opinion, is the smoothest game style. It requires precise accuracy, enhanced eye sight, and strategic game play. If your looking for another fun paced game mode to play with your friends, your looking for capture the flag. While it is a fun mode to play with your friends, it is also a mode where you will run into a lot of people trying hard to win the game. Capture the flag requires an anchor who has a good shot, two players that try to get the flag, and a person who can slay any person in the middle of the map. Now if your looking for a straight kill and run game mode, team death match is what your looking for. The only requirements you need for this mode is a good spot to lure in your victim and the fundamentals of winning a gun fight.