Thursday, September 11, 2014

My Number 1 Rule

My number one rule that I would advise everyone to follow is always come to play a sport prepared. Make sure you have all your equipment packed in a sports bag before you leave your house. Also pack drinks and  snacks to eat because it's going to be a long, hot day. I do not like sharing my drink on a 90 degree day. If you do not have drinks at home then bring two dollars to get a Gatorade from a store. Furthermore, when you drink you friend's beverage it will your shorten your playing time. I will leave if I run out of my snacks. Another thing is do not forget your batting gloves or your catching glove. I don't like sharing my gloves because I do not want another person leaving their sweat in it. If your a person who eats other people's snacks or use another person's glove, it will get old and very annoying. Just bring your own stuff.

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