Monday, December 8, 2014

"It was the best of times it was the worst of times."

"It was the best of times it was the worst of times." I have enjoyed my high school years because of the memories I have made with my friends, teachers, and classes. One of my favorite classes was during by my freshman year, Health and Wellness/ Personal Fitness. My teacher was Mr. Powers and he filled the students with knowledge on how to properly exercise. I have not enjoyed my high school years because it has changed me into a completely different person. I have learned to be careful to whom I get close with. For the reason that it could interfere with my grades. Another reason I know not to get to close to a new person is because a person can lie straight to your face and not care. I find it crazy how a person can completely change the mind set of another person. How could somebody be so cold?  I also do not like the  rules enforced at Early College High School. I feel that since we go to school on a college campus we should have more freedom. The teachers claim the rules are not as bad as a regular high school's rules. I feel bad for the students at a regular high school if their rules are worse than the rules at the school I attend. As a fifteen year old I should not feel as if I am in the 5th grade.

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