Monday, December 8, 2014

Albert Einstein For A Day

If I could pick someone to come from the dead and be personal assistant for the the day, I would pick Albert Einstein. I would pick Albert Einstein because he is a very intelligent man and he could help me with my school work. He could also help me study for upcoming tests. If the test is to hard I would let him take over my body and he could do the test for me. He can do this because he is a ghost. In a week I would become the smartest student on the whole campus of LCCC. I would not only use Albert Einstein for my benefit because I would introduce him into the new world. I would show him the advancements in technology such as cellular devices, flat screen televisions, cars, and gaming systems. Einstein and I would would hop on some Call of Duty Advanced Warfare and start slaying people. The last thing I would do with Albert Einstein is take an epic selfie!

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