Sunday, September 7, 2014

Thursday, September 4, 2014

I am evangelical of Activision's Call of Duty Black Ops 2. Its a great game with different modes such as campaign where you experience a great story, zombies where you can team up and fight hordes of them, and multiplayer where you can team up and go against other people in multiple modes. These modes include team death match, search and destroy, capture the flag, domination, hard point, demolition, and head quarters. My favorites are search and destroy, capture the flag, and team death match. Search and destroy, in my opinion, is the smoothest game style. It requires precise accuracy, enhanced eye sight, and strategic game play. If your looking for another fun paced game mode to play with your friends, your looking for capture the flag. While it is a fun mode to play with your friends, it is also a mode where you will run into a lot of people trying hard to win the game. Capture the flag requires an anchor who has a good shot, two players that try to get the flag, and a person who can slay any person in the middle of the map. Now if your looking for a straight kill and run game mode, team death match is what your looking for. The only requirements you need for this mode is a good spot to lure in your victim and the fundamentals of winning a gun fight.

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