Monday, November 17, 2014

Alan Sutton's Mega Extreme Golfing Range

Welcome to Alan Sutton's Mega Extreme Golfing Range. You may think of golf as boring, dull sport well think again! At my golfing range there are many obstacles you must overcome and death is highly possible. One scary obstacle you must over come is the exotic animals. These animal includes the Bengal Tiger and many highly toxic snakes. You must also swim across a pond that is filled with red belly piranhas. Aside from the animals there are lots of explosions and zombies stroll the park. There are two rules to my golfing range. The first rule is the age limit, you must be old enough to kill zombies and run from tigers. The other rule is no bringing weapons to kill the zombies. If there is a horde of zombies coming after you just do a 360 swing with you golf club. Do not forget to swing high because you want to hit the head.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Enchanted Forest

I am in a place that is new to me. This place is very creepy and something seems fishy. I am walking and I see a large object float pass the corner of my eye. I turn to see what it was but it is just gone. What could it have been? I pull a pocket knife out of my book bag and head back to where I came from. I really do not want to meet what was back there. I have been walking for twenty minutes and I am officially lost. I am panicking at this point and I do not know what to do. I pull out my phone but there is no reception. I put my phone in the air but I am stopped. I see the mysterious creature again, but this time I see it clearly. A twenty foot long Great White Shark floats right in front of me. I pinch myself to see if I am dreaming but I do not wake up. I then cut myself with my pocket knife to really wake up but I'm still here. That was a fatal mistake because the shark smells my blood and becomes more hungry. I close my eyes and pray because I know my death is here. I then think to myself I am not dying without a fight. I open my eyes and run for my life.